Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's a Boy! 22 weeks 4 days

I still have to scan the ultrasounds, but apparently the baby is a boy. We are really happy and excited to have a little boy to raise up, especially because Mike and I each have a daughter already. The girls are excited too.

Today we registered at BabysRus for baby shower gifts. I'm nervous to be the recipient of attention and gifts, but we do need it and I really want to celebrate this baby and his upcoming birth. My mother is having a nice traditional baby shower at her home and also, my step-mother is having a more modern, co-ed babyshower/baby-que at her home for us. I'm really looking forward to both parties.

I'm still working part-time. I put my notice in for Jan.30th, which would put me at 24 weeks pregnant, but now I've decided to extend myself for another 4-6 weeks possibly. We'll see. I'm supposed to give 30 days notice, but I believe that will be almost impossible. I'm going to do my best. I am a hairstylist by trade and stand on a concrete floor for hours. I also find myself bending over for minutes at a time at the shampoo bowl, as well as at the chair, so my back really aches at the end of the day. My left hip has been giving me a lot of trouble too. I think I must have some ergonomic habits that aren't too good for me overall.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wow, I'm 16 weeks pregnant now!

Look! There's my little baby :) That's at 13 weeks and now we are at 16 weeks. Next week I will find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. At first I was hoping for a boy, but now I think that a girl would be really fun too. Especially because I already have a girl who is 7 years old and they could share a bedroom. If the baby is a girl, I like the name, Nova Jewel and if it's a boy, I'm not sure yet!
Anyway, I'm happy and feeling well. I hope you are too.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I have had the worst tension headache for two full days now. I've only taken Tylenol and it does work for awhile, but not long enough. Yesterday I took 3 baths! I'm hoping to be well again by tomorrow. I'd really like to enjoy my days off from work....which I believe is the cause of said headache, actually.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

my love & I

Hello! I'm sorry I've been so lazy here. I promise to do better. So what's new? I'm having a baby!! I'm so excited and just thrilled, though I feel terrible and I can't believe that I'm actually holding it together. I feel big and lazy and I'm only 9 weeks, but I surmise that's why. I am hoping to feel better in about a month. I have a 7 year old daughter who is also very happy to be welcoming a new baby into our little family. She's wonderful!! My light and joy, Ina.
So far, I'm planning a waterbirth at home. It's very expensive here in California, but it's worth it to me.

Saturday, July 5, 2008